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We have reached over $600k AUD worth of equipment donated, with our most recent donation in February 2022 in Fiji. We also donated approximately $30k worth of gear in conjunction with the Australian High Commission and Ministry of Health in Fiji last year.

Heroes Need Heroes Inc. (HNH) - is a charity which aims to serve the needs of International Ambulance and Rescue Personnel in South East Asia and other neighbouring countries around Australia. With a team of dedicated volunteer Australian rescue personnel, HNH aims to redistribute decommissioned ambulance and rescue equipment from Australian Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services/suppliers, and provide this equipment along with rescue training and advice to services that require additional and updated rescue equipment.

HNH’s ultimate achievable outcome is to share knowledge and skills between rescue personnel, in an attempt to save lives in times of emergency situations and natural disasters. HNH will also liaise with training departments and government departments from Australia and South East Asia to form strong partnerships and promote International Student Exchange programs for rescue personnel and student paramedics.

Heroes Need Heroes Inc PO Box 4760 Bathurst Street Hobart TAS 7000

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